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groovy ant sshexec no output

I'm using groovy+gmaven+maven to automate/construct build procedure.
When I using ant sshexec task from within groovy script, which, in turn, executed from the gmaven plugin section, I've got some log info came from sshexec. I wonder if it is possible to write NO output while using ant.sshexec() from within groovy script? I have the following script:

def ant = new AntBuilder()
    ant.sshexec(host: host,
            port: port,
            trust: true,
            username: user,
            password: pass,
            command: "if test -d ${installDir}; then echo true; else echo false; fi",
            outputproperty: 'doesInstallDirExist')  

And the output is:

[sshexec] Connecting to
[sshexec] cmd : if test -d /mango/tomcat7/webapps; then echo true; else echo false; fi

Can I suppress/hide it?


  • Or, have you tried:

    ant.project.buildListeners.firstElement().messageOutputLevel = 0