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Capturing jpegs from an h264 stream with gstreamer on a Raspberry Pi

I have one of the new camera add-ons for a Raspberry Pi. It doesn't yet have video4linux support but comes with a small program that spits out a 1080p h264 stream. I have verified this works and got it pushing the video to stdout with:

raspivid -n -t 1000000 -vf -b 2000000 -fps 25 -o -

I would like to process this stream such that I end up with a snapshot of the video taken once a second.

Since it's 1080p I will need to use the rpi's hardware support for H264 encoding. I believe gstreamer is the only app to support this so solutions using ffmpeg or avconv won't work. I've used the build script at to make gstreamer and the plugin for hardware H264 encoding and it appears to work:

root@raspberrypi:~/streamtest# GST_OMX_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/gst gst-inspect-1.0 | grep 264
omx:  omxh264enc: OpenMAX H.264 Video Encoder
omx:  omxh264dec: OpenMAX H.264 Video Decoder

So I need to construct a gst-launch pipeline that takes video on stdin and spits out a fresh jpeg once a second. I know I can use gstreamer's 'multifilesink' sink to do this so have come up with the following short script to launch it:

root@raspberrypi:~/streamtest# cat

export GST_OMX_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/gst

raspivid -n -t 1000000 -vf -b 2000000 -fps 25 -o - |  \
gst-launch-1.0 fdsrc fd=0 ! decodebin ! videorate ! video/x-raw,framerate=1/1 ! jpegenc ! multifilesink location=img_%03d.jpeg

Trouble is it doesn't work: gstreamer just sits forever in the prerolling state and never spits out my precious jpegs.

root@raspberrypi:~/streamtest# ./
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
[waits forever]

In case it's helpful output with gstreamer's -v flag set is at

Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong?


  • We finally found a solution to this. My gstreamer pipeline was mostly right but two problems combined to stop it working:

    • raspivid doesn't add timestamps to the h264 frames it produces
    • recent versions of gstreamer have a bug which stop it handling untimestamped frames

    Run a 1.0 build of gstreamer (be sure to build from scratch & remove all traces of previous attempts) and the problem goes away.

    See for the mailing list thread.