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Selecting An Array of Triggers and using data from an object

I am trying to create an easy way for my users to select the trigger key that makes the code work altogether. I have this so far.

var triggers = {space:"32",enter:"13",tab:"9"};
var triggerKeys = ["space","enter"];

$('input').on('keypress',function(event) {
 var unicode= event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which;
   if(unicode === triggers[triggerKeys]) {
       //code initiation here

Though of course this doesn't work. Any ideas on how I could possibly make it so in the array of triggerKeys the code is initiated, as well if they have more than one triggerKeys?

Code works for just one Trigger. Should I for loop the triggerKeys for more than one?


  • Not sure what you're after, but I'd do something like this :

    $('input').on('keypress',function(e) {
        switch (e.which) {
            case 32: //space
            case 13: //enter
            case 9: //tab

    as using an array as a key for another array never seems to work for me ?

    If you are just trying to check if a key exists in an array, store the keycodes :

    var triggerKeys = [32, 13, 9];
    $('input').on('keypress',function(e) {
        if ( $.inArray(e.which, triggerKeys) != -1 ) {
           // one of the triggerkeys was pressed


    Here's another example with the map you're using, and checking if a trigger key was pressed :

    var triggerKeys = ["space","enter", "tab"];
    var triggers    = {space: 32, enter: 13, tab: 9};
    $('input').on('keypress',function(e) {
        var arr = $.map(triggerKeys, function(el, i) {return triggers[el];});
        if ( $.inArray( e.which, arr ) != -1 ) {
            console.log('trigger key pressed')