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Looping over InputStream truncating data

So this is a very simple problem with a simple solution that I'm just not seeing:

I'm trying to get a list of data through an InputStream, looping until I reach the end of the stream. On each iteration, I print the next line of text being passed through the InputStream. I have it working but for one small problem: I'm truncating the first character of each line.

Here's the code:

while ( >= 0) {
    System.out.printf("%s\n", dataInputReader.readLine());

And the output:


Now, I know what's going on here: the read() call in my while loop is taking the first char on each line, so when the line gets passed into the loop, that char is missing. The problem is, I can't figure out how to set up a loop to prevent that.

I think I just need a new set of eyes on this.


  • readLine for DataInputStream is deprecated. You may try wrapping it with a BufferedReader:

        String line;
        BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( dataInputStream ) );
        while( (line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null )
            System.out.printf("%s\n", line);
    catch( IOException e )
        System.err.println( "Error: " + e );

    Also, I`m not sure, that it is a good idea to use available() due to this specification:

    * <p>Note that this method provides such a weak guarantee that it is not very useful in
    * practice.