Why would this code not take the implicit functions defined in the local scope? From where else does this take the implicit functions?
def implctest[T](a: T)(implicit b:T=>T):T = {b apply a}
class Testimplcl(val a:Int){
override def toString() = "value of the 'a' is = "+a
implicit def dble(x: Int):Int = {x + x}
implicit def stringer(x: String):String = {x+" no not a pity"}
implicit def myclass(x: Testimplcl):Testimplcl = new Testimplcl(x.a +1)
implctest[String]("oh what a pity")
implctest[Testimplcl](new Testimplcl(4))
None of my implicit defs in local scope are taken in. For eg the implctestInt gives result 5, I expect it to return 10 by taking the dble as implicit.
It does not show error also. implctest simply returns the arguments passed in.
When you ask for a function A => A
, Scala provides an implicit lift from a method definition, such as
implicit def dble(x: Int):Int = x + x
That is, it will treat that as a function dble _
. So in the implicit resolution, this is not an immediately available value.
The problem you have is that there is an implicit A => A
for any type, defined as Predef.conforms
def conforms[A]: <:<[A, A] // where <:< is a sub class of A => A
This is useful and necessary because whenever you want a view from A => B
and A
happens to be B
, such a "conversion" is automatically available.
See, with a direct function:
implicit val dble = (x: Int) => x + x
You see the conflict:
implicitly[Int => Int] // look for an implicit conversion of that type
<console>:49: error: ambiguous implicit values:
both method conforms in object Predef of type [A]=> <:<[A,A]
and value dble of type => Int => Int
match expected type Int => Int
implicitly[Int => Int]
So, in short, it's not good to ask for a custom A => A
. If you really need such thing, use a custom type class such as Foo[A] extends (A => A)