Yesterday a stumble in this article on Mutation Testing and immediatly had a try with elasticrepo a lib I'm writing to index github on elasticsearch.
Unfurtunatly it seems I'm missing something, because I don't get any so called "Killed: rspec" and zero mutations:
lsoave@ubuntu:~/rails/github/elasticrepo$ mutant -I lib/elasticrepo -r repo_subset --rspec-dm2 ::RepoSubset
Mutant configuration:
Matcher: #<Mutant::Matcher::ObjectSpace scope_name_pattern=/\ARepoSubset(\z|::)/>
Filter: Mutant::Mutation::Filter::ALL
Strategy: #<Mutant::Strategy::Rspec::DM2>
subjects: 0
mutations: 0
noop_fails: 0
kills: 0
alive: 0
mtime: 0.00s
rtime: 0.01s
now I think it could be related to the path and then here they are in this case :
lsoave@ubuntu:~/rails/github/elasticrepo$ ls -l lib/elasticrepo
total 16
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lsoave lsoave 333 Jun 8 16:07 extractor.rb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lsoave lsoave 1960 Jun 8 16:07 indexer.rb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lsoave lsoave 1330 Jun 8 16:07 repo_subset.rb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lsoave lsoave 43 Jun 1 12:28 version.rb
and here it is the "structure" of the class to test ( in terms of namespace ):
lsoave@ubuntu:~/rails/github/elasticrepo$ head -2 lib/elasticrepo/repo_subset.rb
module Elasticrepo
class RepoSubset
Please feel free to se the entire code to test for mutation: elasticrepo
It's also possible something goes wrong with regex because of the responce line :
Matcher: #<Mutant::Matcher::ObjectSpace scope_name_pattern=/\ARepoSubset(\z|::)/>
Can anyone help on this ?
Disclaimer: Author of mutant here.
Just cloned your repo. Changes needed:
instead of ::RepoSubset
was replaced with simply --use rspec
Mutant does run correctly with this changes.
Happy mutating!