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What could cause qmake not to see files included by DEPENDPATH?

I have a .pro file:

INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../somefolder/ \
DEPENDPATH +=  $$PWD/../somefolder/ \

SOURCES  += some_file.cpp \

And I get an error:

:-1: error: No rule to make target `some_file.cpp', 
needed by `some_file.h'.  Stop.

But when I manually prepend the file name:

SOURCES  += $$PWD/../somefolder/some_file.cpp \

The file is found.

I looked on similar .pro files and I see that the files do not need to be prepended with path names manually. What could cause this behavior?


  • You have extra \ in the end of previous line. So DEPENDPATH line is expected to be part of previous directive. It's equivalent to:

    INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../somefolder/ DEPENDPATH +=  $$PWD/../somefolder/ 

    which obviously doesn't make any sense. Remove ending \ from both lines.