I've developed a script for grabbing the a "photo" (not "picture") from facebook graph. and it works perfect in CHROME and FF but on IE it's not working, I've tried setting the photo id manually but it still didn't help, here is the code:
$config = array();
$config['appId'] = 'xxx';
$config['secret'] = 'xxx';
$facebook = new Facebook($config);
$uid = $facebook->getUser();
$access_token = $facebook->getAccessToken();
$photo_id = '141713229354263';
$photo = $facebook->api('/'.$photo_id, 'get' , array('access_token' => $access_token ));
the error I'm getting is:
Fatal error: Uncaught GraphMethodException: Unsupported get request. thrown in /home/insiteme/public_html/test/php-sdk/base_facebook.php on line 1271
but I know the photo_id is good, so I'm lost. I've also tried using: $photo = $facebook->api('/'.$photo_id); and exactly the same error comes up. also I have user_photos permission to this app.
What are you trying to do with picture?
This seems like a server code - I would suggest inspecting what IE is sending to the server - cookies, POST & GET parameters, etc.