I am simulating several data sets using for loop in R and saving the data sets in text files in a folder. Since I need to analyze these data sets, I am importing these data from the folder to R and doing my analyses. I am wondering if there is any way to do both simulation and analysis by keeping them in R as data frames instead of saving and importing. Here is my code:
for( iter in 1:20)
for(i in 1:N)
assign(paste0("theta", iter), theta)
filename1 <- paste (" theta",iter ,".txt ", sep ="")
write.table( get(paste0("theta",iter)) , file = filename1 , row.names =FALSE ,col.names = FALSE )
for(k in 1:kitem)
assign(paste0("X",iter), X) # HERE'S THE PART THAT I NEED HELP
filename2 <- paste ("X",iter ,".txt ", sep ="")
write.table( get(paste0("X",iter)) , file = filename2 , row.names =FALSE ,col.names = FALSE )
All I want to do is just to use the generated data files (e.g., theta1, theta2, theta3..., theta20) by calling their names(e.g., theta1). Since I am generating thousands of data sets, I would like to know if I can do it without using write.table then read.table functions. I will be very appreciated if you can help me.
Edited to reflect the need for the X matrices: Create a list of 20 + 20 items with your simulation data, and name the members accordingly:
disc<-rnorm(kitem,0,1) # not ( k, ... )
diff=rnorm(kitem,0,1) # not ( k, ... )
pexp <- 1 # ??? - not needed here
# the list that takes all the produced data
mySim <- as.list( NULL )
# function definition reduced to the necessary
irtp <- function( t, a, b ) { 1 / ( 1 + exp( -b * ( t -a ) ) ) }
for( iter in 1:20 )
# create two matrices to be filled later
# create and name the theta component
theta = mySim[[ iter ]] <- rnorm( N, 0, 1 )
names( mySim )[ iter ] <- paste ( "theta", iter, sep ="" )
# fill and save the matrices
for( i in 1:N )
for( k in 1:kitem )
P[i,k]<-irtp(theta[i],diff[k],disc[k] ) # don"t need this: ,pexp)
mySim[[ 20 + iter ]] <- X
names( mySim )[ 20 + iter ] <- paste ( "X", iter, sep ="" )
You can save the list altogether as an R object, if you want that.
Now you can adress each simulation be name:
head( mySim$theta3 )
[1] 0.96068066 0.01966067 -1.25682531 -0.15128916 -0.75950710 -1.22243883
You can add matrices, dataframes etc. to the list
mySim$tau1 <- c( "lists", "take", "everything" )
You can selectively save list members with the corresponding file name:
filename <- paste( names( mySim )[3], ".txt", sep = "" )
write.table( mySim$theta3, filename )
Is that what you had in mind?