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Jenkins and Tomcat using Reverse-Proxy Auth plugin

I cannot seem to find a good explanation on how to get Jenkins running on a Tomcat server using basic HTTP authentication.

Some basic information:

OS: Windows 7 64 bit
Tomcat version: 7.0.40
Jenkins version: 1.516
Reverse-Proxy Auth Plugin version: 1.0.1
Java SDK version: 1.7.0_17
Java JRE version: 7
Tested with Chrome and IE

I currently have Jenkins up and running successfully on my Tomcat server with the Reverse-Proxy Auth Plugin ( enabled, a user and role added in tomcat-users.xml, and a few lines added to me web.xml. Both of which are displayed below. (Both files are located at C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 7.0/conf/)

tomcat-users.xml (Everything is default except adding of one role and one user)

<role rolename="Administrator"/>
<user username="John" password="password" roles="Administrator"/>

web.xml (everything default except the addition of this section)

<!-- Define the Login Configuration for this Application -->

I am not sure why but whenever I go to http://localhost:8080 or http://localhost:8080/jenkins there is no login prompt, but if I change the <url-pattern>/jenkins/*</url-pattern> to <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> I get a login prompt simply by going to http://localhost:8080, which is fine. After I log in if I go to /jenkins then I get forwareded to the login page, which is all "messed up" [none of the resources show up and the page looks broken].

This is what it looks like:

Broken Jenkins

Here is a link that I found that is close to the same issue I am having.!topic/jenkinsci-users/AVTklGHmzkc

Any help would be appreciated!

Added the versions of Java in case that is needed/relevant

Added a picture of what Jenkins looks like when it is "broke"

Still getting the same issues, have tried different combinations of things in the web.xml file but still getting the same issue.

No Fix found yet, but I have been doing my best to get around it. I will set the url-pattern to /*, log into Tomcat, stop the server, change it back to /jenkins/* (which I believe does nothing) and start the server again then go to the Jenkins page to get the authenticated HTTP headers. Still wanting a solution to my problem but have yet to find one...


  • Here are the problems I was able to spot:

    1. You don't need the Reverse Proxy Auth Plugin unless you plan to use Apache or some other web server as a reverse proxy.
    2. There should be a


      element after the <login-config> element

    3. C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 7.0/conf/web.xml is the configuration for Tomcat's "default" servlet, which is used to serve static assets. Adding a security constraint to this servlet causes all the static assets to become inaccessible, which is causing filling your login screen with dead links.

    Instead, add the security constraint to C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 7.0/webapps/jenkins/WEB-INF/web.xml

    This should just work, but additional changes to C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 7.0/conf/server.xml may be needed to configure the realm. See the Tomcat doc related to this.