Search code examples

Emacs Org-Mode: How to find all TODOs that don't have a deadline specified

In Emacs org-mode I know that I can call up the agenda "match" view (using C-a m) and then use the following search string to find all TODO items that have their deadline set to today:


However, I want to find all items in my TODO list that don't have any deadline set at all. I've searched but can't seem to find an answer; the following doesn't seem to work either:


How do I search for all TODOs that don't have a DEADLINE specified?

(The same also applies to finding items that haven't been scheduled, but I'm guessing the solution will be the same.)


  • You can use




    which searches for items that don't have a DEADLINE/SCHEDULED tag with any content in it -- ie, no scheduled or deadline dates are set. The curlies are used to identify a regular expression (that matches anything longer than the empty string in this case).

    For example, I use the following:

     (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
           `(;; match those tagged with :inbox:, are not scheduled, are not DONE.
             ("ii" "[i]nbox tagged unscheduled tasks" tags "+inbox-SCHEDULED={.+}/!+TODO|+STARTED|+WAITING")))
