In Emacs org-mode I know that I can call up the agenda "match" view (using C-a m
) and then use the following search string to find all TODO items that have their deadline set to today:
However, I want to find all items in my TODO list that don't have any deadline set at all. I've searched but can't seem to find an answer; the following doesn't seem to work either:
How do I search for all TODOs that don't have a DEADLINE specified?
(The same also applies to finding items that haven't been scheduled, but I'm guessing the solution will be the same.)
You can use
which searches for items that don't have a DEADLINE/SCHEDULED tag with any content in it -- ie, no scheduled or deadline dates are set. The curlies are used to identify a regular expression (that matches anything longer than the empty string in this case).
For example, I use the following:
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
`(;; match those tagged with :inbox:, are not scheduled, are not DONE.
("ii" "[i]nbox tagged unscheduled tasks" tags "+inbox-SCHEDULED={.+}/!+TODO|+STARTED|+WAITING")))