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preventing cross site request forgery in the url

I think I understand CSRF and how using form keys can prevent that, but this is can only be useful for POST data coming from a form, right? In my website I let logged in users delete some items by clicking on a Delete button which sends them to delete.php?id={item_id}.

On delete.php I check if the item belongs to the user, if it does than the script deletes it. How can I stop some other site posting a link like I understand that the attacker will have to guess the id in my case.

But in general, how do you stop CSRF for GET data or data in a url?

Also what is the difference between an attacker using an img tag or a anchor tag for doing CSRF and how do they relate to Get and Post data?

Thank you very much in advance and I will really appreciate any advice on this.


  • Expanding on my comment,

    Assuming you are using a cookie/session to keep track of user login. Simply md5 again on the hash and let that be your confirm.

    if (isset($_GET['delete'] && md5($_COOKIE["PHPSESSID"])==$_GET['confirm'])) {
        //delete something

    Then for the HTML you could state:

    <a href="<?php echo md5($_COOKIE["PHPSESSID"]);?>">Delete</a>