I've been searching for a good XMPP with chatroom tutorial. I found this tutorial helpful, but still no luck on implementing multi-user chat.
Can someone give me a good reference for this?
Thanks in advance.
if you just follow this way, you can make the XMPP chat room. and you have to configure some settings about a room.
this delegate method will be called ~ and you can set up what you want by XMPP - 045 document
XMPPRoomMemoryStorage *roomMemory = [[XMPPRoomMemoryStorage alloc]init];
roomID = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@@%@",_subjectOfRoom.text,szRoomName];
XMPPJID *roomJID = [XMPPJID jidWithString:roomID];
XMPPRoom *xmppRoom = [[XMPPRoom alloc]initWithRoomStorage:nil
[xmppRoom addDelegate:self delegateQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];
[xmppRoom activate:[[JSXMPP_Singletone sharedInstanc]xmppStream]];
[xmppRoom joinRoomUsingNickname:@"KIM"
[xmppRoom configureRoomUsingOptions:nil];