I want to extract the outcode of a UK postcode. All the background is here: UK Postcode Regex (Comprehensive)
But it's not validation, so this should do:
All postcodes are converted to upper case and no spaces.
I cannot figure out how to specify dynamic ranges. Or whatever works.
Pseudo-code ^[A-Z0-9]{length(postcode) - 3}
Added: I'm using R.
The language or environment (or rather the regex flavor) you're using would be helpful (always, in any regex question), but in most cases this should do:
So we match and capture 2 or more characters in group 1
, and then require exactly 3 more until the end of the string. How you access the captures depends on your environment.
If your regex flavor supports lookaheads you get away without using captures as well:
This ensures that the end of the match is followed by three characters and the end of the string, but does not include this part in the match.