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Batch: Output file names with relative paths to files and additional signs

I have a folder structure like this:

  • c:/foo/bar1/
  • c:/foo/bar1/
  • c:/foo/bar2/
  • ...
  • c:/foo/bar26/

Now I want to execute a batch file in the folder c:/foo/ which writes the following output to a .txt file:


(Without What's the most elegant way to do this?


  • Could you please specify how you will differentiate "", does it not contain any numbers, or do you know its individual name?

    If it is the latter, I believe this should work if run from the C:\foo folder

    for /r %%a in (*) do (if %%~na NEQ somefile echo %%~pa%%~na%%~xa >> output.txt)

    Note instead of "@@\bar..." you will get "\foo\bar..." If there are multiple files you want to exclude simple nest more if commands:

    for /r %%a in (*) do (if %%~na NEQ somefile1 if %%~na NEQ somefile2 if %%~na NEQ somefile3 echo %%~pa%%~na%%~xa >> output.txt)

    And so on.... I've tried this on my computer and it worked fine.

    Yours, Mona