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Reading a two digit number in assembly and storing it in a variable

I need to a program in assembly to read a two digit number from the user, store it in a variable and later print it. I have tried a lot, but could not get through. Here is my coding.

  .model small
.stack 100h
    msg db "Enter a number: $"
    msg2 db "You have entered: $"
    num1 db 0
    num2 db 0
    temp db 0
    ten db 10
    readNum db 0
    t2 db 0
    t1 db 0
    mov ax,@data
    mov ds,ax

    call read
    call endL
    call write

    proc endL
        mov dl,0ah
        mov ah,02h
        int 21h

    proc read
        mov dx,offset msg
        mov ah,09h
        int 21h

        mov ah,01h
        int 21h
        mov num1,al

        mul ten
        mov temp,al

        mov dl,temp
        add dl,48
        mov ah,02h
        int 21h

        mov ah,01h
        int 21h
        mov num2,al
        mov dl,num2
        add dl,temp     
        mov readNum,dl

    proc write
        mov dx,offset msg2
        mov ah,09h
        int 21h

        mov al,readNum
        mov ah,00
        div ten

        mov t1,ah
        mov t2,al

        mov dl,t1
        add dl,48
        mov ah,02h
        int 21h

        mov dl,t2
        add dl,48
        mov ah,02h
        int 21h

mov ax,4c00h
int 21h


According to the above program, if I enter 42, it gives me the entered number as 85. I could not find the error in my program. Can somebody help me please.


  • Check out the following program. I have edited your one. There is a small mistake as already mentioned by Frank Kotler. That is you didn't convert the user input to digit. You have added 48 to the user input. But you have to subtract 48 from it.

    .model small
        .stack 100h
            msg db "Enter a number: $"
            msg2 db "You have entered: $"
            num1 db 0
            num2 db 0
            temp db 0
            ten db 10
            readNum db 0
            t2 db 0
            t1 db 0
            mov ax,@data
            mov ds,ax
            call read
            call endL
            call write
            proc endL
                mov dl,0ah
                mov ah,02h
                int 21h
            proc read
                mov dx,offset msg
                mov ah,09h
                int 21h
                mov ah,01h
                int 21h
                sub al,48
                mov num1,al
                mov ah,01h
                int 21h
                sub al,48
                mov num2,al     
                mov al,num1
                mul ten
                add al,num2
                mov readNum,al
            proc write
                mov dx,offset msg2
                mov ah,09h
                int 21h
                mov al,readNum
                mov ah,00
                div ten
                mov dl,ah
                mov t2,dl
                mov dl,al
                add dl,48
                mov ah,02h
                int 21h
                mov dl,t2
                add dl,48
                mov ah,02h
                int 21h
        mov ax,4c00h
        int 21h