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How to format the Y axis values on Rickshaw Graphs

I want to use the Javascript graphs of

and I got it working for one exception, when my values of less than 0.00000100 then the y-axis values are shown in scientific format, e.g. 2e-7 for the value 0.00000020

How to I make it show 0.00000020 instead of 2e-7 ?


  • I haven't used rickshaw, but looking at this example on the homepage page:

    var y_axis = new Rickshaw.Graph.Axis.Y( {
            graph: graph,
            orientation: 'left',
            tickFormat: Rickshaw.Fixtures.Number.formatKMBT,
            element: document.getElementById('y_axis'),
    } );

    It looks like you can pass a function to tickFormat. In this case formatKMBT is passed, and it looks like this:

    Rickshaw.Fixtures.Number.formatKMBT = function(y) {
        var abs_y = Math.abs(y);
        if (abs_y >= 1000000000000)   { return y / 1000000000000 + "T" }
        else if (abs_y >= 1000000000) { return y / 1000000000 + "B" }
        else if (abs_y >= 1000000)    { return y / 1000000 + "M" }
        else if (abs_y >= 1000)       { return y / 1000 + "K" } 

    From here, you can use d3 built in number formatters or roll your own. For example:

    function yAxisFormat(d){ return d.toFixed(8); }