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How to simply disable client side validation in Tapestry 5 for 1 page

I have one page that requires simple validation of a text field bound to a double variable in my page class. This is accomplished by jquery-formatcurrency which also styles values( "0.0" to "$0.00").

<t:textfield t:id="bills" value="projection.current"/>

However now when the field fires the blur event or the page is submitted tapestry says:

You must provide a numeric value for bills 

(obviously due to the "$")

So my thinking is to disable validation for just this one page because jquery-formatcurrency can more than handle the validation. Then I can just override the translator as it states in the tapestry docs for Overriding the Translator with Events to process the form field.

Thanks in advance.


  • <t:form t:clientValidation="none">

    ...will disable client validation on your form.

    You can also do clientValidation="submit" which validates on submit rather than onBlur, you might try that?

    More info: