I am trying to create a C++-Printing-Function, which prints any STL-Container by the copy-algorithm and a userdefined header before.
My problem is, I have to print it by the copy-algorithm, so i would need the type of the template for the ostream_iterator ("ostream_iterator")?
How can i get the type of a container behind a template
(I tried it with typeid(cont) but it didn't work - Thanks!
template<typename Container>
void HeaderPrint(Container cont, std::string header = "" )
std::cout << header << std::endl;
copy(cont.begin(),cont.end(), ostream_iterator<typeid(cont)>(cout," "));
std::cout << std::endl;
Standard library containers define value_type
with the container type:
copy(cont.begin(),cont.end(), ostream_iterator<typename Container::value_type>(cout," "));
If you are using your own container class, it would be wise to use this convention too:
template <typename T>
class MyContainer
typedef T value_type;