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C#: How to enumerate class with nested classes and with all fields

I have one BIG .ini file. e.c :

EdgeDkShadowColor = 188 196 218
EdgeFillColor = 244 244 244

ActiveCaption = 207 214 232
Background = 58 110 165
Btnface = 244 244 244

AccentColorHint = 250 196 88
Bgtype = imagefile
BorderColorHint = 29 82 129
FillColorHint = 33 161 33

TextColor = 161 161 146

TextColor = 161 161 146

TextColor = 161 161 146

And i create static class. I want enumerate lines of .ini and set value to all fields from class Parameters.

Class structure is:

public static class Parameters
    public static class Globals
        public static string EdgeDkShadowColor;
        public static string EdgeFillColor;

    public static class SysMetrics
        public static string ActiveCaption;
        public static string Background;
        public static string Btnface;

    public static class Button
        public static class Checkbox
            public static string AccentColorHint;
            public static string Bgtype;
            public static string BorderColorHint;

        public static class Checkbox_Checkeddisabled
            public static string TextColor;

        public static class Checkbox_Mixeddisabled
            public static string TextColor;

        public static class Checkbox_Uncheckeddisabled
            public static string TextColor;

How can I correctly enumerate all fields from class and initialize them to eventually get an object:

    EdgeDkShadowColor = "188 196 218";
    EdgeFillColor = "244 244 244";
    ActiveCaption = "207 214 232"
    Background = "58 110 165"
    Btnface = "244 244 244"
        AccentColorHint = "250 196 88"
        Bgtype = "imagefile"
        BorderColorHint = "29 82 129"
        ...       etc.


  1. All values is string.
  2. '(' in name of replaced by '_'.
  3. Name of parameter can contain a string "::". It is replaced by "Ext".


I found first code of this task. I try to use this function: The main part of the code is

StringReader str = new StringReader(fileAsString);
string line;
Type curType = null;
while ((line = str.ReadLine()) != null)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) | line.StartsWith(";")) continue;
if (line.Contains('['))
    line = line[0] + line[1].ToString().ToUpper() + line.Substring(2);
    var listing = typeof(Parameters).GetNestedTypes().ToList();
    string lineS = line.Trim('[').Trim(']').Trim(')').
                        Replace("(", "_").Replace("::", "Ext").Trim();
    var listingOf = listing.Find(tipe => tipe.Name == lineS);
    curType = listingOf;
    if (curType != null)
        FieldInfo found = curType.GetField(splits[0].Trim(')').Replace("(", "_").Trim());
        if (found != null)
            found.SetValue(null, splits[1].Trim());

It's work, but only for one level. This is result of work this code:


  • Solution found:

    string bytePath = resPath + themesIni;
    if (!File.Exists(bytePath))
        if (foundRow != null) bytePath = resPath + @"\" + foundRow.ItemArray[1] + @"\" + themesIni;
    byte[] arr = File.ReadAllBytes(bytePath);
    string fileAsString = new UnicodeEncoding().GetString(arr);
    StringReader str = new StringReader(fileAsString);
    string line;
    Type curType = null;
    Type parentType = null;
    while ((line = str.ReadLine()) != null)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) | line.StartsWith(";")) continue;
        if (line.Contains('['))
            line = (line[0] + line[1].ToString().ToUpper() + line.Substring(2))
                .Trim('[').Trim(']').Trim(')').Replace("(", "_").Replace("::", "Ext").Trim();
            string[] splitLines = line.Split('.');
            //splitLines[0] = 
            //    (splitLines[0][0] + splitLines[0][1].ToString().ToUpper() + splitLines[0].Substring(2))
            //    .Trim('[').Trim(']').Trim(')').Replace("(", "_").Replace("::", "Ext").Trim();
            //splitLines[1] = 
            //    (splitLines[1][0] + splitLines[1][1].ToString().ToUpper() + splitLines[1].Substring(2))
            //    .Trim('[').Trim(']').Trim(')').Replace("(", "_").Replace("::", "Ext").Trim();
            if (splitLines.Length > 1)
                if (parentType == null)
                    parentType = typeof(Parameters).GetNestedTypes().ToList()
                        .Find(tipe => tipe.Name == splitLines[0]);
                    List<Type> listing = parentType.GetNestedTypes().ToList();
                    curType = listing.Find(tipe => tipe.Name == splitLines[1]);
                    List<Type> listing = parentType.GetNestedTypes().ToList();
                    curType = listing.Find(tipe => tipe.Name == splitLines[1]);
                parentType = null;
                List<Type> listing = typeof (Parameters).GetNestedTypes().ToList();
                string lineT = line;
                Type listingOf = listing.Find(tipe => tipe.Name == lineT);
                curType = listingOf;
            string[] splits = line.Split('=');
            splits[0] = splits[0].Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + splits[0].Substring(1);
            if (curType != null)
                FieldInfo found = curType.GetField(splits[0].Trim(')').Replace("(", "_").Trim());
                if (found != null)
                    found.SetValue(null, splits[1].Trim());