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Custom CursorAdapater's bindView called 77 times...have I done something wrong?

I read this question where it says not to worry about it but I guess I need some reassurance.

My custom CursorAdapter's bindView:

public void bindView(View view, Context context, Cursor c) {
    // get handles for views in xml
    ImageView imageView = (ImageView)view.findViewById(;
    TextView titleView = (TextView)view.findViewById(;

    // get data from cursor and "massage" if necessary
    String imageUri = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(CollectionsTable.COL_IMAGEURI));
    String title = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(CollectionsTable.COL_TITLE));

    // terrible time getting run-time sizes of imageView, hardcode for now
    int XML_WIDTH = 100;
    int XML_HEIGHT = 100;       

    Log.d(TAG, SCOPE + "bindView called: " +count);

    // use static util class
    ImageUtils.loadBitmap(context, imageUri, imageView, XML_WIDTH, XML_HEIGHT);

I'm following the series of Android tutorials for loading large bitmaps but have moved decodSmapledBitmapFromUri, calculateInSmapleSize, loadBitmap, BitmapWorkerTask, AsyncDrawable, cancelPotentialWork, and getBitmapWorkerTask to a utility folder. I'm calling loadBitmap and it's chain 77 times for a listview that currently has 12 rows in it (six show on the screen at load time with just a hint of the 7th showing).

So I shouldn't worry, this is okay (this number of calls to bindView & the firing off of all those subsequent methods)?

Thanks for your words.


  • If in your listview xml android:layout_height is not "match_parent" change it to android:layout_height="match_parent"