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PHP sending and receiving XML request and response

I am a bit lost with PHP XML request and responses. I need to adapt USPS's rate calculator API into a website and all I know is the XML they provide with. Now, I was wonder how I could submit the ZIP and WEIGHT of the item to their API using PHP.

As of now this is what I have:

  • checkout.php which submits a ZIP and a WEIGHT to uspsRateCalculator.php
  • uspsRateCalculator.php receives the ZIP and WEIGHT and needs to Request to the USPS API (here I am lost)

Here is the code for uspsRateCalculator.php

$xml = rawurlencode('http://SERVER/PATH?API=RateV4&XML=<RateV4Request USERID="023TAHAR4995" ><Revision/>
     <Package ID="1ST">

How would I "request" this? And then how can I get the Response which looks like this?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <Package ID="1ST">
          <Postage CLASSID="1">
               <MailService>Priority Mail&lt;sup&gt;&amp;reg;&lt;/sup&gt;</MailService>

In the end I need to get the in my checkout.php page.


  • You probably want to use cURL.

    The $xml variable seems to generate the URL you are going to query (after replacing SERVER/PATH with the proper usps server/location to query). Pass that in as the URL as seen in the cURL example on the linked page.

    The XML you get back from curl_exec should look like the response XML you included. From there, PHP has a xml reader class that you can use to extract the information you want (or if you just wanted to grab the 'rate' then regex might be a little more lightweight).

    Edit: In case you miss it in that documentation page, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER flag needs to be set for curl-exec to return the contents rather than just "SUCCESS".