I am trying to replicate the "share" functionality provided by the "share" link under a wall post: The dialog shows a dropdown box at the top allowing me to choose whether to post to my timeline, in a group, the wall of a page I manage (etc).
Ideally I'd like to able to do this without having to get extended permissions from the user. So I tried FB.ui() but could only get "Post to your wall" to post to the user's timeline. It doesn't have the same dropdown box at the top.
Accordiong to the doc I should be able to provide a page id as the "from" parameter to enable users to use the dialog to post to a page (assuming they are admins of the page). So I tried this but I always get the same "Post to your wall" dialog (even tho I'm admin of the page given).
The doc page contains a link How can I use the Feed Dialog to post on a Facebook Fan Page wall not liked by the user? but it's a dead link :-[
So can it be done using the dialog? Or do I have to get "manage_pages" permission and post to /pageId/feed (as here)?
Well it seems today I can do it using the feed dialog after all. I tried apage based on the example in the doc added my page id as the "from" parameter and it works.
I need to be logged on as a page admin, but I don't need to be "using Facebook as" the page.