I create an form and i want my description for exemple has a text add by me , not by the user who send the form. But i dont know how i can pass my parameters in the controller .
My form view
<%= form_for @issue, :url => contact_path do |form| %>
<%= form.label :description %>
<%= form.text_area :description %>
My controller :
def create
@issue = Issue.create(params[:issue])
@issue.description = "The user write" + params[:issue][:description]
if @issue.save
flash[:succes] = "good"
redirect_to root_path
flash[:avertissement] = "try again"
redirect_to contact_path
But when i send my form i can see : the text write by the user but not "User write" before the user text. And i want when the user send the form i can will see : "User write : text write by user"
Thank's for your help.
You can set params[:issue][:description] before you create the issue (in the controller):
def create
original_description = params[:issue] && params[:issue][:description]
params[:issue][:description] = "The user write #{original_description}"
@issue = Issue.new(params[:issue])
if @issue.save
flash[:succes] = "good"
redirect_to root_path
@issue.description = original_description
flash[:avertissement] = "try again"
redirect_to contact_path
Edited to show full code and avoid errors if it didn't pass validations