The NACK message generated by HAPI missed to add 3, 4, 5 fields
I'm generating the NACK message as follows;
Message msg= hl7Msg.generateACK(HL7Constants.HL7_MSA_ERROR_FIELD_VALUE, new HL7Exception(errorMsg));
This returns; following message;
If you notice the ERR segment, it doesn't have 3,4,5 fields
Any idea why hapi missed to add field 3,4 and 5? I checked with Hapi testpanel, above two messages are valid but in very first NACK message, i dont get field 3,4,5.. I would like to get with fields..
It is because hapi 1,2 version doesn't make any distinction in the error filed. After upgrading to 2.1 version im getting the error segments.