If I open the Chrome developer tools console and change HTMLMediaElement.prototype.play
, it works just fine.
> HTMLMediaElement.prototype.play = function(){debugger;}
function (){debugger;}
> HTMLMediaElement.prototype.play
function (){debugger;}
However, if I change it from a user script, the function always seems to revert to the native implementation.
> HTMLMediaElement.prototype.play
function play() { [native code] }
I have verified that the user script loads correctly, and I even tried an ugly setInterval approach, to see if at least that works:
var myFunction = function(){debugger;};
if (window.HTMLMediaElement.prototype.play != myFunction)
window.HTMLMediaElement.prototype.play = myFunction;
}, 900);
But even with this I always end back up with the native implementation.
From Injecting JS functions into the page from a Greasemonkey script on Chrome:
The only way to communicate with the code running on the page in Chrome is through the DOM, so you'll have to use a hack like inserting a tag with your code. Note that this may prove buggy if your script needs to run before everything else on the page.
EDIT: Here's how the Nice Alert extension does this:
function main () { // ... window.alert = function() {/* ... */}; // ... } var script = document.createElement('script'); script.appendChild(document.createTextNode('('+ main +')();')); (document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script);