I am opening a jQuery dialog containing a form that is loaded by an ajax call triggered when the dialog is opened. When the user clicks OK I want to validate the form before submitting it using ajax. Here is the callback assigned to the OK button:
var dialogOK = function () {
var $form = $(this).find("form:first");
if ($form.find("input:first").length > 0) {
submitHandler: function (form) {
alert("This alert doesn't appear");
invalidHandler: function (event, validator) {
alert("Neither does this one");
if ($form.valid) {
alert("form.valid says it's valid when it's not");
//$form.submit(); //when this is called the client-side
//validation works and the form is not submitted
//but when I call ajaxSubmit (forms jQuery plugin)
//the form is submitted
success: function () {
alert("And I still need to work out how to check whether
server-side validation passed before I close the dialog");
else {
I have based the code on this question but I can't work out how to get the client-side validation to fire when doing an ajax submit.
I am using jquery-1.9.1, jquery.unobtrusive-ajax, jquery.validate and jquery.form
you need to check the value of the plugin method valid so you need this
if ($form.valid())
// do stuff
not this
if ($form.valid)
// always true, as presence of the plugin method is 'truthy'