I am new to islandora. I have it integrated with solr and it works fine but the results only show on the page with the following URL:
This is fine but I would like the results to show on a different page inside a view or a block.
Is this actually possible?
After reading the documentation it doesn't seem like it is. But I believe this should be a rather slandered requirement.
I have tried using URL Aliases, with no luck.
Has anyone done this??
If you have integrated the apache solr with sit Search then there is a module named Search API Page Block, which can help you showing result in block but it will only work for title of the nodes.
As it explains -
Currently, this module is only useful when placing search result blocks on node pages, since it currently only uses $node->title as the search keywords. Future development can lead to other uses, including using Taxonomy terms, Context module, or custom fields to set the keywords.