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Flyway Info screen State is Future, not Missing

Due to a few company-specific features, which I need to swap in and out, I sometimes have migrated scripts which are not present in the sql directory when I run "info" or "migrate" at a later time. I just noticed an inconsistency, though, in how this displays:

| Version        | Description                | Installed on        | State   |
| 4.1            | Add new reports synonyms   | 2013-05-31 16:38:22 | Success |
| 4.1.1          | BRNC Add new reports synon | 2013-05-31 16:38:22 | Missing |
| 4.2            | Convert old DATA to DATA2  | 2013-05-31 16:38:22 | Success |
| 4.2.1          | BRNC Convert old DATA to D | 2013-05-31 16:38:22 | Future  |

So, "Success" means that scripts have been run, and "Missing" means they were run and are no longer present. But what does "Future" mean?

This is similar but not identical to a question:

state of migration scripts is "future"

which was never officially answered, but where Axel Fontaine said in a comment that this had been fixed. I checked, and my jars (3/18) are a later date than his comment (3/2).


  • As it currently stands this is what these mean:

    • missing -> executed, no longer found in configured locations, older than the newest found script
    • future -> executed, no longer found in configured locations, newer than the newest found script

    Coming to think of it though, I feel this minor distinction might not be worth a separate state in the info results. I will revisit this in time for 2.2.