I'm creating my own audio, without controls of the browser.
<audio src="" id="audio">
I have these functions, called when clicked some buttons:
function play()
function play()
function stop()
audio.src = audio.src;
But for now, I only can reproduce mp3 or ogg files, but not a live stream radio. I read about some plugins, but I need do it with pure html5.
Could you help me, please? Thanks very much,
Unfortunately, there is still no single video and audio codec, which is supported by all browsers! The programmers have to ensure that there is fallback provided for use-cases where browser A doesn't support codec B and vice versa.
You can take a look at this compatibility table, for both desktop and mobile browsers.
Since flash is still widespread enough, it's probably the safest fallback.
Also, I want to note that there's nothing worse to use some library, some of them (e.g. jPlayer) provides very powerful interface and this only can help you to produce better code!
I think you can find everything you want to know in the following article: HTML5 Audio Radio Player by Opera Devs