To reduce network traffic to Internet clients from an internal webservice which I cannot change, I want to trim down the JSON response.
So a webservice "relay" which extracts only a specific subset of the JSON response.
Since all that is occurring is transforming JSON from one format to another, I would prefer to use the new JSON Transformers in Play Framework 2.1 (see:
To increase the difficulty, the response is an array of differing JSON objects, on which only two fields are required from each object.
As a specific dummy example, I am attempting to convert the following JSON:
"keyA": "keep this value",
"keyB": [ {"value": "keep this value", "anotherValue": "keep this value" } ],
"keyC": "drop this value"
"keyA": "keep this value",
"keyB": [ {"value": "keep this value", "anotherValue": "keep this value" } ],
"keyD": "drop this value",
"keyE": "drop this value"
"keyA": "keep this value",
"keyB": [ {"value": "keep this value", "anotherValue": "keep this value" } ],
"extraRandomKeys": "drop this value",
"fieldsWhichMayNotAlwaysAppear: "drop this value"
"keyA": "keep this value",
"keyB": [ {"value": "keep this value", "anotherValue": "keep this value" } ]
"keyA": "keep this value",
"keyB": [ {"value": "keep this value", "anotherValue": "keep this value" } ]
"keyA": "keep this value",
"keyB": [ {"value": "keep this value", "anotherValue": "keep this value" } ]
The template method I've used is:
def relayWsResponse = Action {
request =>
Async {
response => {
It works, but probably it's not best option:
import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.json.Reads._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
val transformer: Reads[JsArray] = of[JsArray].map{
case JsArray(xs) => JsArray(xs.flatMap{
case x: JsObject => Some(
(__ \ "keyA").json.pickBranch and (__ \ "keyB").json.pickBranch reduce