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Is there a Java utility which will convert a String path to use the correct File separator char?

I have developed a number of classes which manipulate files in Java. I am working on a Linux box, and have been blissfully typing new File("path/to/some/file");. When it came time to commit I realised some of the other developers on the project are using Windows. I would now like to call a method which can take in a String of the form "/path/to/some/file" and, depending on the OS, return a correctly separated path.

For example:
"path/to/some/file" becomes "path\\to\\some\\file" on Windows.
On Linux it just returns the given String.

I realise it wouldn't take long to knock up a regular expression that could do this, but I'm not looking to reinvent the wheel, and would prefer a properly tested solution. It would be nice if it was built in to the JDK, but if it's part of some small F/OSS library that's fine too.

So is there a Java utility which will convert a String path to use the correct File separator char?


  • Apache Commons IO comes to the rescue (again). The Commons IO method FilenameUtils.separatorsToSystem(String path) will do what you want.

    Needless to say, Apache Commons IO will do a lot more besides and is worth looking at.