DESCRIPTION: I have a library libshell.a, inside of it is the function ord_interna that i'm attempting to use, however it seems i linked it wrong, could you guys fix my error, so i dont make it in the future? Cheers,
/tmp/ccn5lbmJ.o: In function `main':
minishell.c:(.text+0x4e): undefined reference to `ord_interna'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [minishell.o] Error 1
CFLAGS=-Wall -pedantic -c
all: microshell
microshell: minishell.o
gcc minishell.o -o microshell
minishell.o: minishell.c
gcc minishell.c minishell.h entrada_minishell.c entrada_minishell.h ejecutar.c ejecutar.h libshell.a
rm -rf *o microshell
From your makefile, I'm guessing you have these source files:
And that you want to compile them, and then link them all together with libshell.a
to create an executable called microshell
. In that case, you want something like:
CFLAGS=-Wall -pedantic
all: microshell
microshell: minishell.o entrada_minishell.o ejecutar.o
$(CC) -o $@ $^ -L. -lshell
You can add a clean
target if you want, but just that should get you going.
Editorial notes:
it's really weird to put header files on the compilation line; I assumed you didn't actually want to do that.
You should look into gcc's -MMD
flag to do automatic dependency generation.