I want to map over a Map that has the type List[~(A,Option[B])]
but before I map over it I group it by A. Now that I can map over it, I have to match the Tuple of the Map:
val rawData: List[A ~ Option[B]]
.map(case (first: A, second: Seq[A ~ Option[B]]) =>
C(first, second.map(_._2))
Now the Compiler warns me:
non-variable type argument anorm.~[A,Option[B]] in type pattern Seq[anorm.~[A,Option[B]]] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
I found several solutions to make that matching possible, but I have the feeling, that it could be also possible to avoid the matching at all as I only want to go through that Map that has already a defined Type. How could this be possible?
In this case you actually don't have to worry about this. The error is because your case statement is too verbose. Change to the following:
rawData.groupBy(_._1).map(case (first, second) =>
C(first, second.map(_._2))
The types in the case statement restrict the type of the tuple (which is unnecessary). However, they restrict it in a way which is not verifiable at runtime (due to type erasure), that's why you get the error.