I'm building an application in Ruby that has a command which will transfer the contents of a certain directory to a remote FTP server. I know that the way to transfer a single file via ftp in Ruby is:
file = File.open('file.txt')
Net::FTP.open(ftp_server, username, password) { |ftp|
I just don't know how to transfer the contents of a directory via the build in FTP class. If somebody could give me an example of how to do this, or knows of a Ruby library that can do this it would be much appreciated.
First, get all files and subdirectories in your directory:
entries = Dir.glob('my_dir/**/*').sort
is required to ensure that every directory goes before its files)
Now you can upload all files and create all subdirectories:
Net::FTP.open(ftp_server, username, password) do |ftp|
entries.each do |name|
if File::directory? name
ftp.mkdir name
File.open(name) { |file| ftp.putbinaryfile(file, name) }
I had no time to test this, so I could miss something.