class Desktop
# grab the names of items on the desktop
desktop_content = Dir.entries("/Users/jorgeolivero/desktop")
def initialize(desktop_content)
@desktop_content = desktop_content
def initlialize(select) { |x| x.include? "y"}
def initialize(desktop_files)
@desktop_files = desktop_files
# grabs the files from the desktop_content array
desktop_files = { |c| c.include? '.'}
puts desktop_files
desktop_files.each { |files| File.rename('/Users/jorgeolivero/desktop/***feed array items here***', '/Users/jorgeolivero/desktop/folder/***feed array items here***') }
My guts tells me that this might look painful to some of you, so please know this is my first attempt at an app. So if you can remember that process, you understand how "stuck" I am right now.
I want to move all of the items in the "desktop_files" array into a folder with one command. That last piece of code shows how I am trying to do but I can't figure out how to feed each file name onto the end of each path (as denoted by the ***s).
Many thanks.
You can use the following code for copy all your files:
require 'fileutils' Dir['/Users/jorgeolivero/desktop/*'], 'dest folder'
You don't need to create a class for it. You can run this code on irb or put in a single file.
PS: Ruby doesn't accept multiple initializers for a class.