I am wanting to send an email to a gmail account from lua using the socket library.
smtp = require("socket.smtp")
address = { "<[email protected]>" }
from = { "<[email protected]>" }
theMessage = {
headers = {
to = "YOU",
cc = '"him" ',
subject = "I got something to tell you..."
body = "You're the best."
r, e = smtp.send{ from = from, rcpt = address, source = smtp.message(theMessage)}
When I do print(e)
"connection refused".
nil Any ideas?
I'm just following instructions from the site: http://w3.impa.br/~diego/software/luasocket/smtp.html
You may need to specify the ip/port in your smtp.send
from = from,
rcpt = address,
source = smtp.message(theMessage),
server =,
port = 25