We have a very unique use case where we want a Rails controller to access a route within the Rails app using Net::HTTP. Can this be done? I'm currently receiving a timeout when attempting to do so. The current code works when the uri is a separate Rails app, but not when the uri belongs to the app itself. Here's the gist of the current controller action:
def export_data
uri = URI("http://localhost:3000")
@data = JSON.parse( Net::HTTP.get(uri) )
respond_to do |format|
Forget why we want to do this. Why doesn't this work? Is there a modification that can be made to get it to work? Thanks in advance!
It doesn't work because you are not using a multi-threaded server. Your request is coming in and blocking the server until it's complete. During that time, you're making a request to your localhost that isn't being handled.
Easy solution? Try puma. Other easy solution, spin up two rails instances, connect to the 2nd instance.