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Convert a "big" Hex number (string format) to a decimal number (string format) without BigInteger Class

How to convert a "big" Hex number (in string format):


to a decimal number (in string format):


without using BigInteger Class (as my application should support machines without .NET Framework 4)?


  • Here's a quick-and-dirty implementation that can work with arbitrarily-large numbers. The aim of this implementation is simplicity, not performance; thus, it should be optimized drastically if it's to be used in a production scenario.

    Edit: Simplified further per Dan Byström's implementation of the inverse decimal-to-hex conversion:

    static string HexToDecimal(string hex)
        List<int> dec = new List<int> { 0 };   // decimal result
        foreach (char c in hex)
            int carry = Convert.ToInt32(c.ToString(), 16);   
                // initially holds decimal value of current hex digit;
                // subsequently holds carry-over for multiplication
            for (int i = 0; i < dec.Count; ++i)
                int val = dec[i] * 16 + carry;
                dec[i] = val % 10;
                carry = val / 10;
            while (carry > 0)
                dec.Add(carry % 10);
                carry /= 10;
        var chars = dec.Select(d => (char)('0' + d));
        var cArr = chars.Reverse().ToArray();
        return new string(cArr);