I have a text file of the format:
computername1 uninstallkey1
computername2 uninstallkey2
computername200 uninstallkey200
I am trying to write a startup script (batch file or powershell?) that generates a msiexec command that looks up and implants the correct key for each computer it executes on e.g.:
msiexec /x install.msi key=uninstallkey
If I have not made anything clear, please ask and any help is much appreciated!
FOR /f "tokens=1*" %%i IN (yourtextfilename.txt) DO (
IF /i %%i==%COMPUTERNAME% ECHO MSIEXEC /x install.msi key=%%j
This should do as you require - yourtextfilename.txt
contains the data, presumably on a shared drive; finds the line where the computername in column 1 is the same as the computername returned by %computername% in the target computer's environment.
(all case-insensitive EXCEPT
and %%j
which must match and be the same case)
Command simply ECHO
ed - remove the ECHO
keyword after verification to activate.