whenever I run a Build & Reload
from RStudio's Build
pane, I get the message
==> Rcmd.exe INSTALL --no-multiarch rwiots
Error: contains a blank line
and, indeed, when I look, my DESCRIPTION file contains a blank line in the Suggests
field. If I delete this, it's created again when I try to Build & Reload
I have the option Generate documentation with Roxygen
ticked and all boxes ticked in the Configure...
dialog that goes with it.
I really enjoy the workflow of documenting my functions with roxygen2 and having RStudio build my NAMESPACE file and parts of my DESCRIPTION file. So how can I get past this very odd little problem?
Many thanks in advance, Rob Levy
Hadley had the key:
If there's a Suggests:
region in the DESCRIPTION
file, but you're not suggesting anything, the Build & Reload
functionality in RStudio adds a blank line, which then breaks the build process!