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Angularjs: JQuery UI Directive in Modal leads into troubles

With an angular directive, I create a custom timepicker in my angularjs project. Unfortunately, the timepicker doesn't work properly when using it in a modal, see:

When opening the modal the first time, everything works fine. But when closing it (by clicking somewhere outside the modal) and opening it again, I see this in the error console:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'timeFormat' of undefined
    at methods.setTime (
    at $.fn.timepicker (
    at ngModel.$render (
    at Object.<anonymous> (
    at Object.e.$digest (
    at Object.e.$apply (
    at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (
    at HTMLButtonElement.x.event.dispatch (
    at HTMLButtonElement.y.handle ( 

When closing and opening the modal again, I see the error message twice in the console.

I assume the problem has something to do with the render callback (ngModel.$render = ...). It seems that angular tries to render stuff that doesn't exist anymore. But I am not able to fix it. Especially because the directive doesn't know if it is in a modal or not. Therefore, it doesn't make sense to cache a modal close event.


  • I found a solution. The directive-element has a $destroy event. When this event is called, the $render function can be overwritten with an empty function:

    element.bind("$destroy", function() {
        if (ngModel) {
            ngModel.$render = function() {};

    With this additional code snipped, my example works like a charm.