Is it possible to have a target which generates file with dots in the filename? I don't need them in target name, just in the filename it produces, so for example
lib Auhorization@Plugin : ...
would be perfectly fine, if it produces
and if I can use it from other targets:
exe Application : ... : <library>Authorization@Plugin ...
As using dots is the company convention, I cannot just use underscores instead.
One option would be some requirement changing the name of target - like <name>
I also cannot use simple rename post build step, as the Application must be linked to
, not
. But if something else is possible, I could use it as well.
The build process itself runs under Linux using gcc.
For any complex naming schemes you can use the <tag> feature. For your purpose it could look like this:
import regex ;
import type ;
rule at-to-dot ( name : type : property-set )
local name = [ regex.replace $(name) @ . ] ;
local ext = [ type.generated-target-suffix $(type) : $(property-set) ] ;
return $(name).$(ext) ;
lib Auhorization@Plugin : bbb.cpp : <tag>@at-to-dot ;