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AutoMapper with ValueFormatter

I'm learning how to use AutoMapper, and I'm having problems using it with ValueFormatter.

Here's simple example in Console, where I'm unable to use it with NameFormatter:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Mapper.Initialize(x => x.AddProfile<ExampleProfile>());

        var person = new Person {FirstName = "John", LastName = "Smith"};

        PersonView oV = Mapper.Map<Person, PersonView>(person);



public class ExampleProfile : Profile
    protected override void Configure()
        //CreateMap<Person, PersonView>()
        //    .ForMember(personView => personView.Name, ex => ex.MapFrom(
        //        person => person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName));

        //doesn't work:
        CreateMap<Person, PersonView>()
            .ForMember(personView => personView.Name, 
             person => person.AddFormatter<NameFormatter>());

public class NameFormatter : ValueFormatter<Person>
    protected override string FormatValueCore(Person value)
        return value.FirstName + " " + value.LastName;

public class Person
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

public class PersonView
    public string Name { get; set; }

What am I missing here? AutoMapper is version 2.2.1


  • You should use a ValueResolver (some more infos here) :

    public class PersonNameResolver : ValueResolver<Person, string>
        protected override string ResolveCore(Person value)
            return (value == null ? string.Empty : value.FirstName + " " + value.LastName);

    and your profile should be something like this:

    public class ExampleProfile : Profile
        protected override void Configure()
            CreateMap<Person, PersonView>()
                .ForMember(personView => personView.Name, person => person.ResolveUsing<PersonNameResolver>());

    According to the author Formatters are for global type conversions. You can read some of his replies here and here.

    I would go for the first of your options:

     CreateMap<Person, PersonView>()
          .ForMember(personView => personView.Name, ex => ex.MapFrom(
               person => person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName));

    And apparently value formatters have been a mistake.