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Problems with emacs syntax highlighting for python programs

I am using python-mode for syntax highlighting. Everything is fine except the highlighting of docstrings, which makes reading code in github repositories with complex docstrings very difficult to do. Here an example:

class DoubleQuotesDocString:
    This is a doc string but inside double quotes " the highlinting breaks: in for type while " so this is a bug

class SingleQuotesDocString:
    This is a doc string but inside single quotes ' the highlinting breaks: in for type while ' so this is a bug

And the corresponding screenshot where you see that it is not properly highlighted:


Of course this is a simple example. A complex docstring full of such highlighting bugs is completely unreadable.

Is there a solution for this?

EDIT: funny, stackoverflow highlighting also has trouble with this.


  • The solution was to swtich from python-mode.el version 5.1.0 to version 6.1.1.