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JADE: Convert HTML to JADE issues

Im trying to convert the following code from HTML to JADE:

<a id="bgndVideo" href="" class="movie {opacity:1, isBgndMovie:{width:'window',mute:false}, optimizeDisplay:true, showControls:true, ratio:'16/9',startAt:3,quality:'hd720',addRaster:true,lightCrop:true}"></a>

HTML2JADE website gives me the following code back:{opacity:1,.isBgndMovie:{width:'window',mute:false},.optimizeDisplay:true,.showControls:true,.ratio:'16/9',startAt:3,quality:'hd720',addRaster:true,lightCrop:true}(href='')

My issue is that this code doesn't appear to function correctly unlike every other HTML2JADE conversion iv'e done. I noticed that my IDE(WebStorm) is highlight some of the { } in pink, signifying some sort of error. Im just learning jade and I cant figure out the problem, I just know the code doesn't look right... Is there anyone that may be able to help me with this problem?



  • Try to put it directly in the jade template.

    <a id="bgndVideo" href="" class="movie {opacity:1, isBgndMovie:{width:'window',mute:false}, optimizeDisplay:true, showControls:true, ratio:'16/9',startAt:3,quality:'hd720',addRaster:true,lightCrop:true}"></a>

    It should work.