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want to give separate link to comma seperated string in an array

I have the following table :

enter image description here

In the query I have used group_concat to take the bug id's. I want to give separate link to each bug id. for eg : link to be given is "show_bug.cgi?id =3743200"

following is the code, I have used :

 $query = "select count(cbm.bug_id) as count,(select     concat(round((count(cbm.bug_id)/(select count(*) from techzilla.category_bug_map cbm,techzilla.bugs b where b.assigned_to =$userId  and cbm.bug_id=b.bug_id) * 100 ),2),'%')) as Percentage ,group_concat(b.bug_id separator ',') as BugIds from techzilla.bugs b left join techzilla.category_bug_map cbm on cbm.bug_id = b.bug_id where b.assigned_to = $userId and b.creation_ts >= '$fromDate 00:00:00' and b.creation_ts <= '$toDate 00:00:00' and cbm.os IN ('$opess')";
   $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Bad query: " . mysql_error() );
   while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
   echo "<tr><td>$opess</td>


How can I achieve this?


  • You can use explode function.

    $ids = explode(',', $bugs);
    foreach($bugs as $b) {
        echo '<a href="...">'.$b.'</a>';  