Search code examples

How to show Android Google default search results in webview?

I want to display default Google search Results in webview of my Android application. We can do it using Google Custom Search API but it is paid. I want to use Google default search engine to replace the API. Could you please help me to provide its implementation.

Thanks in Advance


  • If I get your question correct, you want to enable the user to enter a search term and then get google results in the webview. If you carefully notice, then in your browser if you enter following URL:, then you will get results for your query of query_string.

    So, for your purpose:

    Step 1 You can have an EditText and a Button.

    Step 2 On Button click you can get the text from an EditText

    Step 3 Then Create a URL from the query string that you received from EditText as follows:

    String query; // Get the text from EditText here
    String url = ""+query;

    Step 4: Then using that URL you can display the URL result in webview.

    The results would be displayed there. There are many thread which will help you achieve this. Some are:

    How to get text from EditText?

    1) How to get text from EditText?

    How to display URL in webview?

    1) Trying to display url in Web View

    2) To View a web page inside your app?

    Your only task is to create the URL and then display is using webview.

    Hope it helps. All the best.