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ko.validation with validatedObservable gives me strange result

I use ko.validation to check valid data on my page like this:

var postcode = ko.observable(),
    name = ko.observable();

var validationModel = ko.validatedObservable({
    postcode: postcode.extend({ required: true }),
    name: name.extend({ required: true })

Then in my OK button I check the validation before submitting:

var buttonOk = function () {

    if (!validationModel.isValid()) {
        return false;

It works pretty well: If the user don't type something for postcode and name the validation failed.

Now I added some more validation rules:

postcodeMustNotAlreadyExists + denominationMustNotAlreadyExists like this:

var validationModel = ko.validatedObservable({
    postcode: postcode.extend({ required: true }),
    name: name.extend({ required: true })
    postcodeMustNotAlreadyExists: cities,
    denominationMustNotAlreadyExists: cities

ko.validation.rules['postcodeMustNotAlreadyExists'] = {
    validator: function (val, cities) {
        // Try to find a match between the typed postcode and the postcode in the list of cities
        var match = ko.utils.arrayFirst(cities(), function (item) {
            return (val.postcode() === item.postCode());
        return !match;
    message: 'This postcode already exists!'
ko.validation.rules['denominationMustNotAlreadyExists'] = {
    validator: function (val, cities) {
        // Try to find a match between the typed denomination and the denomination in the list of cities
        var match = ko.utils.arrayFirst(cities(), function (item) {
            return ( ===;
        return !match;
    message: 'This denomination already exists!'

Now validationModel.isValid() returns always true when the user don't type anything for postcode or name. And I noticed that validationModel().postcode.isValid() is false thus this is not logic to have validationModel.isValid() set to True.

Now with my new implementation I have to test on 2 things: (!validationModel.isValid() || validationModel().errors().length>0)

Any idea?



  • Try overriding your isValid() function inside your viewModel with:

    self.isValid = ko.computed(function () {
                    observable: true,
                    deep: true
        }, self);