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Send responsive email with media queries in Outlook

We have a newsletter that uses media queries to display it in a responsive format for smaller screens. It displays as it should in Outlook, but when the email is forwarded on, it appears that Outlook is removing the media query code. We are using Outlook to send the email since we have exchange lists that we need to include. Does anyone know if there is a way around Outlook removing the media query code when forwarding, or another way to send an email with media queries through Outlook?


  • Unfortunately Outlook uses it's industry famous Microsoft Word render engine to reinterpret html email. This means that when forwarding, your email is full of MS garbage and, in this case, removing some of the original wanted code.

    I've had issues with some corporate exchange servers stripping media queries - I think caused by their security software. Try sending to a different domain.

    Best way to see if it is stripping your media queries is to check your email code. Scroll to the bottom of your email and right click>view source just inside your Outlook viewing window.

    If sending to a different domain doesn't work, I'm afraid you may be out of luck as there is no way to force Outlook to preserve your original code.